Metabolights - chromatography

No description specified


Submitter: System

Projects: Default Project

Version: 1.0.0

Group: metabolights

0 Sample type is referencing this Experiment Sample Template

ISA Level: assay - material

Organism: any

Parent Template: None

Child Templates:


NameTypeDescriptionPID helpISA Tag helpUnit
protocol*StringChromatography protocol used to separate the metabolites.-protocol-
Input extract*Registered Sample List - /templates/23Extract that is used for the chromatography.---
Chromatography InstrumentControlled Vocabulary - Chromatography InstrumentChromatography Instrument, manufacturer and model-parameter_value-
Column model*Controlled Vocabulary - Column modelModel or make of the of Column used-parameter_value-
Column type*Controlled Vocabulary - Column typeType of Chromatography used.-parameter_value-
Labeled Extract NameStringIdentifier for the labeled extract.-other_material_characteristic-
Output Name*StringOutput of the chromatography.-other_material-
LabelStringIndicates a chemical or biological marker, such as a radioactive isotope or a fluorescent dye which is bound to a material in order to make it detectable by some assay technology.-other_material_characteristic-
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